NSP_HOST Configuration

Step 1 - Open Control Panel

Open the Control Panel and double-click on the System icon.

caepipe troubleshooting environment variable windows control panel with system icon selected

Step 2 - Go to Environment Variables

After opening the System Properties window, select the Advanced tab.

Next click on the Environment Variables button.

caepipe troubleshooting environment variable system properties window with environment variable selected

Step 3 - Add NSP_HOST Variable

After opening the Environment Variables window, add a new System Variable.

Enter "NSP_HOST" in the Variable field.

Enter the IP Number/Hostname of the computer on which the hardware key resides on in the Value field. In some environments, specifying an IP address works (and not the Hostname). If using a hostname (fully qualified), be sure to flush your DNS cache and/or restart the DNS service, if working across subnets.

caepipe installation nsp host environment variables dialog window

Note: If the hardware key resides on the same computer as CAEPIPE, for your IP Number/Hostname, you will use either:

B. localhost
C. A static IP Number - Check with your Network Administrator
As noted above, preferably specify the IP address (not the hostname).